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The Pacific Marine Industrial Zone - PMIZ

The Papua New Guinean (PNG) government wants to transform the city of Madang into the new tuna capital of the world. Large-scale construction of the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone project in Vidar, Madang province, is due to be completed in 2013. The government is in the process of establishing the country’s first Special Economic Zone with hopes of attracting foreign investors, who can enjoy special access duty and quota free to the EU. The project is mainly financed through a loan from the Exim Bank of China, which garantees that 70% of the infrastructure will be built by Chinese companies and labour. Read about the loan's conditions

Title: Feasibility Study: Pacific Marine Industrial Zone Project


Author: China Shenyang International Economic and Technical Cooperation Corporation. Prepared by Truk Pacifica Development Corp.

Year: 2008

Executive SummaryGovernment Concessional LoanTable of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Land Use & Resources, Chapter 3: The Project, Chapter 4: Project Cost, Chapter 5: Marketing Strategy, Chapter 6: Financial Evaluation, Chapter 7: Economic Aspect, Chapter 8: Environmental and Social Economic Impact, Chapter 9: Recommendation and Conclusion, ExhibitsMaster Development PlanAnnexesGlossary.


Title: Pacific Marine Industrial Zone: Environment Impact Statement


Authors: Jonh B. Sengo, Gabriel Kuna, Regina Piam, Jones Hiaso, Thomas Warr, Wesley Sanarup

Year: June 2010

Publication: Department for Commerce and Industry


Read the full document


Title: Tinpis Maror, A social impact study of proposed RD Tuna Cannery at Vidar Warf, Madang


Authors: Dr Nancy Sulllivan, Thomas Warr, Joseph Rainbubu, Jennifer Kunoko, Francis Akauna, Moses Angasa and Yunus Wenda

Year: 2003


Read the full document.


Read more reports from Dr Nancy Sullivan on PNG's Tuna indutry.

Title: PMIZ – Promise and Plight


Authors: Phillip Gibbs, Lorraine Basse and Thomas Warr

Year: May 2012

Publication: Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal Volume 16, May 2012


Read the full document. 

Title: Fishing for Development? Tuna Resource Access and Industrial Change in Papua New Guinea


Authors: Elizabeth Havice and Kristin Reed

Year: March 2012

Publication: Journal of Agrarian Change, Special issue: The Political Economy and Ecology of Capture Fisheries, Volume 12, Issue 2-3, pages 413-435, April/July 2012


Access the document.

Title: Social Impact Assessment of the Proposed ZZZ PNG Cannery at Sek Harbour, Madang Province (Excerpts)


Author: Peneloppe Schoeffel

Year: June 1993

Publication: New Zealand Institute for Research and Development, Prepared for the Asian Development Bank



Read the document (extract).

Official complaint lodged to the Ombudsman Commission of the International Finance Corporation (private arm of the World Bank). 


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Other Links from the IFC:


Papua New Guinea Special Economic Zone


Frequently Asked Questions on IFC’s work in developing Special Economic Zone framework for Papua New Guinea.


IFC Helps Papua New Guinea Develop Economic Zone Strategy to Promote Growth (IFC Press Release June 2009)



What to do when the World Bank finances land grabs: An interview with Accountability Counsel.

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